Presently Fort Williams is most discussed historical monuments in India., especially in Politics of West Bengal, In efforts of glorifying historical past of India. in December 2024 government decided to rename the famous Fort Williams, Kolkata as Vijaydurg on the name of famous fort in Maharashtra. suddenly this fort has become favorite historical monument to read among socio cultural activists, students, Politicians, historian. i also became anxious to know about this fort. and what i came to know sharing with friends. Though this fort was ready in 1717 but in 1756, Nawab Siraj Ud-Daulah Captured it, till East India Company finally recaptured in 1757. in 1895, Fort William became the Head quarters of the Eastern Command when army was divided into four commands. Today also it is the headquarters of Eastern Command Of India Army.
Krishna Dutta In His book ” Calcutta A cultural And Literary History published by oxford, 2003 refers about fort Williams in following words ” The walls of the Fort are checkered with tablets commemorating British military success. in India, but Fort William itself was never busy after 1756 and never fired a Canon at a real enemy not even during the sepoy mutiny of 1857. All though on that occasion the neighboring Garrison and Barrackpore was rumor to be on the March towards Calcutta, and the terrified British population of the city flopped into Fort William, for refuge in Calcutta itself the mutiny was a non event.
The Fort is out of bounds to casual visitors because it is the military headquarters for the Eastern region of India. But one can obtain a permit from the Army authority with a weeks advance notice. Insight, in addition to the usual network of regimental barracks and munition stores hasting building built a huge granary, part of a chain of stores proposed for the whole of British India, to mitigate the suffering from famine such as a terrible one that devastated Bengal in 17 70. The photo was later used for a period as a military presentation. There is also an army Museum displaying weapons and photographs of battles and the living quarters of lord Kitchener, who was commander in chief of the Indian Army from 1902 to 1909. On a Sunday morning it is common to see a troop of cavalry exercising and drilling their horses in a manner reminiscent of the company style drawings that show since of life inside the food during its early days. To other buildings within 4th Williams are sent Peter’s Church 1835, which has been converted into the force library and sent Patrick’s Church which is disused building is now used for worship this is not true of Calcutta’s many other churches more than half a century after the end of the British Raj. While it is a fact that Christianity has made much less impression on India than many other ideas broad by the European colonizers there is never the less and active Christian presence in Calcutta.
this decision of government is not welcomes in West Bengal. some voices on Twitter give this indication. Swapan Das Gupta @swapan 55 ‘ I think it would have been appropriate if a section of Fort William now renamed had commemorated Lieutenant General Jacob, a Kolkata Jew, who played a seminal role in the 1971 war. The ministry of defense can still make amends. ‘
According to Soumya@ Soumya-Ray is there any ‘history ‘to give the name Vijaydurg to Fort William or naming one of its Gate Shivaji Gate ? Its in Bengal. Maratha raiders terrorized Bengal region in their heydays actually. Soumya deep Datta writes why? this was not required. How people will know the history of the place if the name is raised and naming selection is itself controversial.’
Rosinka Chaudhuri, professor of cultural studies and director at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, pointed out erasing names from history did not erase history, although conquerors and kings had done it through ages. “We are no wiser today. Yet a name defines, suggests, and is evocative in a way nothing else is. To take away its name—even if it is a British colonial name—is to rob Fort William of its history and of the significance of the Indian flag flying on its ramparts. We drove the British out and put up our own flag on Fort William. Surely it is better to remember that than to call Fort William something else?” she wondered.
Gen Secy @ Bangla Poko in India, I condemn renaming Fort William after a fort of Borgis! Borgis killed & raped Bengalis & looted Bengal. This shows BJP &his shows BJP @ Rajnath Singh has invader’s mindset. We Bengalis reject new name. Rename it as Fort Subhash.
it is correct renaming of colonial era institutions is being practiced by all politicians and this gives political gains to them but in this decision of decolonization of Fort Williams Government is not considering the sentiments of local Bengalis.